saadq / night-syntax

Dark monochrome Syntax theme.
MIT License
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Failed to activate the night-syntax theme #1

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.23.1 x64 Electron: 1.6.15 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.6 Thrown From: night-syntax package 0.2.6

Stack Trace

Failed to activate the night-syntax theme

At error evaluating function `darken`: color.toHSL is not a function in /Users/Turbo/.atom/packages/night-syntax/styles/base.less:154:27

LessError: error evaluating function `darken`: color.toHSL is not a function
  at /packages/night-syntax/styles/base.less:154:27


Non-Core Packages

atom-clock 0.1.15 
file-icons 2.1.15 
night-syntax 0.2.6 
night-ui 0.1.1 
platformio-ide-terminal 2.7.0 
seti-syntax 1.1.3 
seti-ui 1.9.0 
teletype 0.4.0 
saadq commented 6 years ago

Hey @TheInsane1990 thanks for raising this issue. Hmm, that's pretty weird. I'm unable to reproduce this, but I can try again tomorrow with a different environment.

Just to make sure, have you already tried uninstalling and then reinstalling and restarting the editor? Also, could you let me know if you installed it via apm or if you did it through Atom's interface?

Lastly, could you just do something like cat /packages/night-syntax/styles/base.less in your terminal and then paste the contents here or in a Gist? I'm not sure why the error message is saying there is an issue with darken on line 154 when it seems to be on line 156 of that file. Have you made any alterations to that file at all?