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Add a page for WASM/other language proposals? #11

Open saadq opened 2 years ago

saadq commented 2 years ago

saadq commented 2 years ago

I've started work on this. I want to change the current project structure to be a monorepo with these packages:

I'm looking into using the Multi Zones feature for Next.js to accomplish this, hoping to be able to keep pointing to the current app and then have point to the WASM app.

saadq commented 2 years ago

Decided against using multi zones and just kept it as 2 separate apps.

The separate app/monorepo is setup now so we can get started on moving a bunch of stuff from ecma to the common folder and then reusing it in the wasm app.

ljharb commented 2 years ago

Doesn’t the “es” mean “ecmascript”? WASM isn’t part of ecma.

saadq commented 2 years ago

Yep, you're absolutely right :p. I figured it was still fine to reuse the domain, but now that you've called that out it feels pretty dirty to use it lol since it might cause confusion to people.

@ljharb curious if you have any opinions on what a good domain would be for it? :)

I was considering using wasmproposals.* which has several options like:

There's also and

saadq commented 2 years ago

Ok, I think problem solved... I've bought

So I think I'll have something like and, and I'll keep and linked.

It will let me also make it easier to have a home page so users can navigate to either WASM/ECMA

saadq commented 2 years ago

Languages that have proposals which can be tracked: