saagarjha / Ensemble

Cast Mac windows to visionOS
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Port to other platforms #18

Open saagarjha opened 4 months ago

saagarjha commented 4 months ago

Stream to iOS, cast from Windows/Linux, …

Geczy commented 4 months ago

Yes please, Windows support would be great, what are the steps to make that work exactly? A rough outline

saagarjha commented 4 months ago

This is probably a couple weeks of effort, and I don't use Windows, so I don't plan to look into this right now.

billyjacoby commented 4 months ago

If this is the route this project ends up going I think something like Tauri would be a good candidate to build the host application in. This would make the maintenance of the host app much simpler since the code could be shared between Windows and Mac, and I've actually run a Swift library in Tauri before as well.

saagarjha commented 4 months ago

There's not a whole lot of UI that needs to be written (you can see how little is in the Mac app!) It's more that you'd need OS-specific code to handle plumbing that cannot be easily be done in a cross-platform framework.