saagarjha / Ensemble

Cast Mac windows to visionOS
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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How do you run this? #19

Closed AntDX316 closed 3 months ago

AntDX316 commented 4 months ago

How do you run this?

saagarjha commented 4 months ago

The easiest way to try this code right now would be to download it and build it using Xcode. It will sign and deploy it to your device.

AntDX316 commented 4 months ago

I did, just change the team makes it work?

AntDX316 commented 4 months ago

It doesn't seem to work the windows within the AVP Simulator. Will it work on the real one?

saagarjha commented 4 months ago

Yep, just change this to match your team: If you have a free developer account you might need to also modify the bundle ID and/or signing identity (also in the configs) but I haven’t done that in a while so I can’t say for sure.

AntDX316 commented 4 months ago

yea, I got it to work with just by changing the team to mine.

so, this works with the eye tracking?

AntDX316 commented 4 months ago

can you keep updating it to ensure it always works? : )

saagarjha commented 4 months ago

It doesn't seem to work the windows within the AVP Simulator. Will it work on the real one?

Ensemble should be able to cast your Mac windows both from the simulator and on a real device. Trying to control things from the Mac you're on is unlikely to work very well. Are you running into issues?

so, this works with the eye tracking?

I don't have any special code for this, but it supports the system behaviors.

can you keep updating it to ensure it always works? : )

This is my side project, so I can't ensure this. But I plan to use this myself so I will probably keep updating it to the point where I am either happy with it or I think there is something else that I'd rather work on.

AntDX316 commented 4 months ago

Ensuring eye tracking would be good as a 2nd input.

I’m using the iPhone Remote, Mouse & Keyboard app to make it easier to do things through the Apple Watch and the iPhone but it could be hard to see through the goggles.

saagarjha commented 4 months ago

I think this is the same as #17

saagarjha commented 3 months ago

Closing as I think the question of how to run this is resolved and the other feedback is already tracked. (Feel free to let me know if either is not the case.)