saarzhanova / Campus3DMap

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Find the information about the buildings #5

Open saarzhanova opened 2 months ago

saarzhanova commented 2 months ago

Find the following information to display:

saarzhanova commented 2 months ago

At the moment the information is hardcoded

saarzhanova commented 2 months ago

I've got some information about IPP buildings (Telecom, Polytechnique, ENSEA ans ENSTA) from Marie-Alix and applied it.

For the other buildings I only display the name from the original file, which is still inconsistent and uninformative. Some names have only building name ("Building Grand Hall"), some contain institution name as well ("Building ENSAE - Institut Polytechnique de Paris"), some have numbers instead of names ("Building8022"). The reason for this is that OSM is created and supported by a community of volunteers around the world. Therefore, the quality of the data depends on the users who add it. In some regions, the data may be very detailed and accurate, while in others there may be gaps or errors.
For this reason we should find another source of information about the buildings.