saarzhanova / Campus3DMap

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Depict transport movements in campus #6

Closed saarzhanova closed 2 months ago

saarzhanova commented 2 months ago

Based on the data from Ils-de-France Mobilite, show the paths of public transport movements around the campus with lines.

= Ask for the data about the buildings, Ils-de-France Mobilite data

saarzhanova commented 2 months ago

Need to find the data from Ils-deFrance Mobilite about public transport movements around the campus here:

saarzhanova commented 2 months ago

Based on traces-des-lignes-de-transport-en-commun-idfm.json" from Ils-de-France Mobililte I depicted campus bus traces.

The problem is that I need to find out how to attach the coordinates of bus traces to coordinates on the campus model. For the moment I attached them manually. It is still to be precised.

saarzhanova commented 2 months ago
