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Custom domains for customers #4

Open nonken opened 3 years ago

nonken commented 3 years ago

From JMD on Discord:

I don't know how much this makes sense in the context of saasmanual specifically, but something I've had a real hard time piecing together is how to implement custom domains with SSL for customers. So something like customersdomain.tld -> customersdomain.saasmanual.tld - there doesn't seem to be much in the way of good reference examples of doing this on AWS with serverless specifically.

nonken commented 3 years ago

@JMD ahh love this! Would love to understand your idea a bit better. Do you have a customer example in mind? Is the idea for example to have custom subdomains for customers? And then the backend needs to figure out what to do based on the subdomain?

Yes exactly. The example that springs to mind is a product called Bidsketch. It lets you write custom proposals for project work and so on. They set you up with a subdomain with them, and that's how you access the product. But you can also configure a custom domain, say and that will point to - with the correct SSL certs generated for you on Another example might be itself right, it exists because wont give you custom domains yet But imagine you wanted to point directly to Hope that helps!

Yes exactly, you have the use case nailed in that example. So like or all pointing to - but is loading the right content for each of those sites, AND provisioning the correct SSL certs for them as well (this is the tricky part as far as I can see) The way I figured it might work is to use certbot in a lambda say, and it plops out a cert to S3 (maybe?) and then that gets added to a cloudfront distribution maybe?

@JMD and you want to provision the certs on demand? For I can do this beforehand because I know it’s happening One more: you mentioned the - to generate a cert for that I need to be able to verify the signing request. So as the owner I will have to do work. Or am I missing something?

@nonken Yeah you're right - so would have to accept a HTTP call to the .well-known path for to proxied domain I guess. Sorry I might be diving you into the weeds on this! I've written up an idealized use case