saayam-for-all / ml

ML based micro service that uses historical data stored on AWS S3 and real time data to come up with real time responses.
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Trend Analysis for Saayam Functionality #16

Open shubhamnarkhede opened 1 month ago

shubhamnarkhede commented 1 month ago

Analyze key metrics related to Saayam's functionality and usage patterns over time and by region.


  1. Collect and aggregate data on the number of users, volunteers, help requests, resolved requests, and resolution times.

  2. Break down the data by time (daily, weekly, monthly) and by region/country.

  3. Create visualizations or reports to show trends in user activity, volunteer engagement, and help request outcomes.

4.Automate data collection and reporting for ongoing trend analysis.

Dependencies: Access to user and help request data, region and time data for reporting.

shubhamnarkhede commented 1 month ago

Dhruv Satyapanthi assigned