It is now possible to flush TYPO3 caches using the command line.
The administrator can use the following CLI command:
./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 cache:flush
Specific cache groups can be defined via the group option. The usage is
described as:
cache:flush [--group <all|system|di|pages|…>]
All available cache groups can be supplied as option. The command
defaults to flush all available cache groups as the install tool does.
Extensions that register custom caches may listen to the via
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Event\CacheFlushEvent, but usually the cache
flush via CacheManager groups will suffice.
It is often required to clear caches during deployment of TYPO3 instance
updates, in order for content changes to become active.
TYPO3 caches can now be flushed in release postparatory steps. The
integrator may decide to flush all caches (common practice with
EXT:typo3_console) or may alternatively
flush selected groups (e.g. 'pages') in case the
cache:warmup (see 93436) command is
used as companion in release preparatory steps.
Deployment steps could then be:
Release preparation:
git-checkout/rsync your codebase (on CI or on live system)
composer install (on CI or on live
vendor/bin/typo3 cache:warmup --group
system (only on the live system)
Feature: #90197 - Introduce cache:flush console command
Feature: #90197 - Introduce cache:flush console command
See 90197
It is now possible to flush TYPO3 caches using the command line.
The administrator can use the following CLI command:
Specific cache groups can be defined via the group option. The usage is described as:
All available cache groups can be supplied as option. The command defaults to flush all available cache groups as the install tool does.
Extensions that register custom caches may listen to the via
, but usually the cache flush via CacheManager groups will suffice.Impact
It is often required to clear caches during deployment of TYPO3 instance updates, in order for content changes to become active.
TYPO3 caches can now be flushed in release postparatory steps. The integrator may decide to flush all caches (common practice with EXT:typo3_console) or may alternatively flush selected groups (e.g. 'pages') in case the cache:warmup (see 93436) command is used as companion in release preparatory steps.
Deployment steps could then be: