sabeechen / hassio-google-drive-backup

Automatically create and sync Home Assistant backups into Google Drive
MIT License
2.97k stars 181 forks source link

[Feature] Also generational deletion rules for add-on/upgrade backups #1035

Open igorsantos07 opened 1 month ago

igorsantos07 commented 1 month ago

Hello, dear maintainer of an awesomely stable Home Assistant add-on!

My Google Drive has been complaining of lots of disk usage, and turns out my HA backups folder contains core update backups for many months ago.

I see the add-on has options to ignore them or not when counting how many backups to keep, but it would be even more awesome if it could consider them separately as first-class citizens. There could be different generational rules for add-on and upgrade backups, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a backup from mid-February on my Drive :)

Keep rocking, sir!

P.S.: I was also going to open another FR to suggest gzip compression, but did a test first and a 223MB went down to........ 215MB with the strongest compression level :man_shrugging: not worth it, if anyone else ever complain about big tarballs.