sabeechen / hassio-google-drive-backup

Automatically create and sync Home Assistant backups into Google Drive
MIT License
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Always upload latest backup when Google Drive is full option? #1054

Open systematicallyrandom opened 2 weeks ago

systematicallyrandom commented 2 weeks ago

I periodically have issues where my Google Drive gets full. When that happens my backups stop uploading. What I would love to happen instead is that it still uploads the current backup (after deleting the oldest backup) and throw an error, not just throw an error. Old backups are only of value in certain specific situations. The latest backup is almost always the most important and I feel like should be prioritized over old, stale backups in extenuating circumstances such as nearly full disk space.

I realize this is not always the desirable behavior, so having an option to enable this behavior would be necessary. And I realize there are tricky issues to ensure that not all the old backups get deleted and then there is still not enough space (such as if a backup size ballooned), so there would need to be some additional thought put into how this request was implemented. But I think this option would be useful still.