sabeechen / hassio-google-drive-backup

Automatically create and sync Home Assistant backups into Google Drive
MIT License
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Default backup template name can have issue with external GDrive sync tool #468

Open loomyr opened 3 years ago

loomyr commented 3 years ago

It's not a real issue, but a suggestion regarding the default name used in the text field "backup template name"

By default, the template suggestion is using the following syntax : {type} Backup {year}-{month}-{day} {hr24}:{min}:{sec}

I faced an issue today trying to integrate a replication with a Local Backup NAS (Synology with Cloud Sync) and GDrive , in order to downlad locally all HA snapshot coming from your integration. But filenames were not accepted and file didn't synchronize with my NAS.

Unfortunately even if the ":" are an accepted by Linux-Unix / Google, it might have issues using this in a platform like Windows. And even if it allowed in linux its alway a bit anoying in command line to manipulate file that need escape char like ":" or spaces.

Why not using a default name template without "-" or spaces like : {type}_Backup_{year}-{month}-{day}_{hr24}-{min}-{sec}.

It would maybe save time for users that are not familiar with these inter-platform specific syntax using a universal one and lets the possibility of user that don't care about that to change it when they setup parameters.

I'm maybe a bit old school guy with naming convention/syntax, sorry for that ;-)

Anyway your integration is very cool and useful, thanks a lot for the maintenance and the evolutions of the tool.

Sumtin commented 2 years ago

+1. Ran into this exact issue after loading up this addon; backups created and uploaded, but Synology CloudSync not downloading to NAS. I changed my filename to this, which fixed the issue:

{type}_{year}-{month}-{day}_{hr24}{min}h Full_2021-12-12_1903h.tar

I don't think I'll ever make two backups in the same minute, so works for me. :)