saberone / pimatic-smartmeter

Read energy usage data from a "smartmeter" through it's P1 port
MIT License
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No data on Raspberry #10

Open davideveraarts opened 8 years ago

davideveraarts commented 8 years ago

Hai Saberone,

Today I connected a CH340 USD-Serial converter to my Raspberry Pi B. Using the command CU I see a lot of blanc spaces and in Pimatic all I get is 0 Watt etc. When I connect the convertor to my PC and using Putty I get readable data on my screen.

The smartmeter is a Kaifa MA105. The settings in the device settings are: "id": "smartmeter", "class": "Smartmeterdevice", "name": "Smartmeter", "serialport": "/dev/ttyUSB0", "baudRate": 115200, "dataBits": 8, "parity": "none", "stopBits": 1, "flowControl": true

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Your help is needed!

Regards, David

incmve commented 8 years ago

are you sure /dev/ttyUSB0 is correct? If you have homeduino connected then try /dev/ttyUSB1 I have a MA105C I guess it's the same

my pimatic config

      "id": "smartmeter",
      "class": "Smartmeterdevice",
      "name": "Smartmeter",
      "serialport": "/dev/ttyUSB1",
      "baudRate": 115200,
      "dataBits": 8,
      "parity": "none",
      "stopBits": 1,
      "flowControl": true,
      "xAttributeOptions": [
          "name": "activetariff",
          "hidden": true
davideveraarts commented 8 years ago

Hi Incmve,

Thank you for your response. I do have a homeduino connected so I have to use USB1 (and with homeduino disconnected USB0). Also this doesn't work and because it seems to work fine on my windows laptop it cannot be the Rs232 converter. It must be something in the way the Raspberry reads the USB device.

My config looks almost the same. here it is:

  "id": "smartmeter",
  "class": "Smartmeterdevice",
  "name": "Smartmeter",
  "serialport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
  "baudRate": 115200,
  "dataBits": 8,
  "parity": "none",
  "stopBits": 1,
  "flowControl": true
saberone commented 8 years ago

Heb je als eens geprobeerd om een cat /dev/ttyUSB0 op commandline te doen? En krijg je dan output? Zal er niet goed uit zien, maar er zou om de 10 seconden iets langs moeten komen.

davideveraarts commented 8 years ago

Een vergelijkbaar resultaat. Iedere tien seconden schuift de cursor vier a vijf regels naar beneden, maar geen zichtbare tekens.

Er is een gedeelte van de uitleg die ik niet kan plaatsen, nl:

npm install chmod +x logP1.js ./logP1.js

Is dit noodzakelijk voor de goede werking van de plugin?

saberone commented 8 years ago

No the last part is to generate a dumpfile that can be shared in order to be able to add support for different meters.