sabhatia / CRUD

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Deleting last value in DB gives index error #1

Closed sabhatia closed 9 months ago

sabhatia commented 9 months ago

In a DB with 4653 records, deleting record #4653 given an error. The console output is pasted below.

Issue probably is that list-index is 0 based, but record indexing for the DB is 1-based. So last record has to be treated properly.

Console Output

[STATUS]: Initialized DB with 4653 records. File Operations [0] Display all records [1] Display records [2] Delete records [3] Update records [4] Exit Your Selection: 2 [STATUS]: : Delete Records Enter record to delete [1 - 4653]: 4653 ['Education', 'JoiningYear', 'City', 'PaymentTier', 'Age', 'Gender', 'EverBenched', 'ExperienceInCurrentDomain', 'LeaveOrNot'] Record 4651: ['Masters', '2018', 'New Delhi', '3', '27', 'Male', 'No', '5', '1'] Record 4652: ['Bachelors', '2012', 'Bangalore', '3', '30', 'Male', 'Yes', '2', '0'] Record 4653: ['Bachelors', '2015', 'Bangalore', '3', '33', 'Male', 'Yes', '4', '0'] [STATUS]: Record 4653 deleted Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\sabha\OneDrive\Coding Projects\CRUD\CRUD\", line 117, in while (display_and_parse_console(csv_table) != END): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\sabha\OneDrive\Coding Projects\CRUD\CRUD\", line 91, in display_and_parse_console ret_val = user_cmds_dictuser_cmd ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\sabha\OneDrive\Coding Projects\CRUD\CRUD\", line 64, in delete_records mem_db.display_recs(first_row, last_row) File "C:\Users\sabha\OneDrive\Coding Projects\CRUD\CRUD\", line 56, in display_recs assert(last_row > first_row and last_row <= total_recs) AssertionError PS C:\Users\sabha\OneDrive\Coding Projects\CRUD\CRUD>

sabhatia commented 9 months ago

Tested and works for the last row and first row.

Last Row

C:\Users\sabha\OneDrive\Coding Projects\CRUD\CRUD> python .\ Employee.csv [STATUS]: Initialized DB with 4653 records. File Operations [0] Display all records [1] Display records [2] Delete records [3] Update records [4] Exit Your Selection: 2 [STATUS]: : Delete Records Enter record to delete [1 - 4653]: 4653 ['Education', 'JoiningYear', 'City', 'PaymentTier', 'Age', 'Gender', 'EverBenched', 'ExperienceInCurrentDomain', 'LeaveOrNot'] Record 4651: ['Masters', '2018', 'New Delhi', '3', '27', 'Male', 'No', '5', '1'] Record 4652: ['Bachelors', '2012', 'Bangalore', '3', '30', 'Male', 'Yes', '2', '0'] [STATUS]: Record 4653 deleted ['Education', 'JoiningYear', 'City', 'PaymentTier', 'Age', 'Gender', 'EverBenched', 'ExperienceInCurrentDomain', 'LeaveOrNot'] Record 4651: ['Masters', '2018', 'New Delhi', '3', '27', 'Male', 'No', '5', '1'] Record 4652: ['Bachelors', '2012', 'Bangalore', '3', '30', 'Male', 'Yes', '2', '0'] File Operations [0] Display all records [1] Display records [2] Delete records [3] Update records [4] Exit Your Selection:

First Row

sabhatia commented 9 months ago

Tested and ensure as working

File Operations [0] Display all records [1] Display records [2] Delete records [3] Update records [4] Exit Your Selection: 2 [STATUS]: : Delete Records Enter record to delete [1 - 4653]: 4653 ['Education', 'JoiningYear', 'City', 'PaymentTier', 'Age', 'Gender', 'EverBenched', 'ExperienceInCurrentDomain', 'LeaveOrNot'] Record 4651: ['Masters', '2018', 'New Delhi', '3', '27', 'Male', 'No', '5', '1'] Record 4652: ['Bachelors', '2012', 'Bangalore', '3', '30', 'Male', 'Yes', '2', '0'] [STATUS]: Record 4653 deleted ['Education', 'JoiningYear', 'City', 'PaymentTier', 'Age', 'Gender', 'EverBenched', 'ExperienceInCurrentDomain', 'LeaveOrNot'] Record 4651: ['Masters', '2018', 'New Delhi', '3', '27', 'Male', 'No', '5', '1'] Record 4652: ['Bachelors', '2012', 'Bangalore', '3', '30', 'Male', 'Yes', '2', '0'] File Operations [0] Display all records [1] Display records [2] Delete records [3] Update records [4] Exit Your Selection: 1 [STATUS]: : Display Records Total Records: 4652 Enter starting range: [1 - 4652]: 4650 Enter last record: [4651 - 4653]: 4653 ['Education', 'JoiningYear', 'City', 'PaymentTier', 'Age', 'Gender', 'EverBenched', 'ExperienceInCurrentDomain', 'LeaveOrNot'] Record 4650: ['Masters', '2013', 'Pune', '2', '37', 'Male', 'No', '2', '1'] Record 4651: ['Masters', '2018', 'New Delhi', '3', '27', 'Male', 'No', '5', '1'] Record 4652: ['Bachelors', '2012', 'Bangalore', '3', '30', 'Male', 'Yes', '2', '0'] File Operations [0] Display all records [1] Display records [2] Delete records [3] Update records [4] Exit Your Selection: