sabinz / DCO-Modelling-of-Deep-Time-Atmospheric-Carbon-Flux-from-Subduction-Zone-Interactions

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Use `wait` to wait for background jobs to finish #1

Open LukeMondy opened 1 year ago

LukeMondy commented 1 year ago

Hey guy

You can use the wait command to get bash to wait until all the background commands are done, like in the "Multiple Processes wait Example" in this page:

It would mean the whole script will exit when all the background jobs are done (though you would also need to delete the nohup too ;))

sabinz commented 1 year ago

Good tip! Can it also preserve the Terminal Output into a file? This currently seems to work OK, but I'll keep an eye out on whether the wait command makes things better. :-)

LukeMondy commented 1 year ago

Yeah, should be able to do

while (($proc <= ($nproc-1)))


    age_max=$(echo "$age1-($proc*$step)" | bc -l)
    age_min=$(echo "$age_max-($step-1)" | bc -l)

    if [ $age_min -lt $age2 ];

    mkdir CONTINENTAL_GRIDS_${age_min}_${age_max}   

    cp ${script} CONTINENTAL_GRIDS_${age_min}_${age_max}
    cp CONTINENTAL_GRIDS_${age_min}_${age_max}
    cp continents.cpt CONTINENTAL_GRIDS_${age_min}_${age_max}
    cp $rotation_file CONTINENTAL_GRIDS_${age_min}_${age_max}/CombinedRotations.rot
    cp $continental_geometries CONTINENTAL_GRIDS_${age_min}_${age_max}/ContinentalTerranes.gpml

    cd CONTINENTAL_GRIDS_${age_min}_${age_max}/ 

    ./${script} ${age_min} ${age_max} > stdout_${age_max}-${age_min} &   # no nohup used
    echo "Continental gridding job for ages " ${age_min} " to " ${age_max} " launched!"
    cd ..   

proc=$(($proc + 1))

wait # wait for all background tasks to finish.