sabjorn / BandcampEnhancementSuite

A Chrome Extension providing extra functionality for Bandcamp
MIT License
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Please try to work alongside bandcamp tempo adjust #177

Open jrefano opened 1 month ago

jrefano commented 1 month ago

I love both this app and by @azarbayejani, but I wish I could use both at the same time.

I wonder if there is some way the two projects could coordinate in some way so that is possible?

Thanks much for a great app!

sabjorn commented 1 month ago

Please provide some examples (screenshots or descriptions) of how the two extensions interact poorly.

I’ve never used tempo-adjust so it’s unclear to me what problems exist when you try to use both at the same time.

jrefano commented 1 month ago

The enhancement suite waveform display overlaps the tempo adjust controls and makes it so you cannot click on them/use them at all:


see the slider when enhancement suite is turned off:


sabjorn commented 1 month ago

I’ll see what I can do. It looks like the issue is because BES moves the forward/back buttons under the play/pause button.

I’ve got some free time coming up in the new few weeks so I’ll see if I can fix this.

However, I can’t promise this is in my control.

It sounds like you use the tempo slider, so it probably doesn’t matter to you, but I am planning on adding BPM to BES at some point (just no tempo adjust)

sabjorn commented 1 month ago

Also—in case you didn’t see—there is already someone apparently working on this on the tempo adjust side

Perhaps get involved in that conversation as well