sablier-labs / v2-subgraphs

Subgraphs for Sablier V2 token streaming protocol
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Move PRBProxy to a separate repo #7

Closed PaulRBerg closed 7 months ago

PaulRBerg commented 1 year ago

Thanks for building a subgraph for PRBProxy, @razgraf. As explained in a recent comment exchange I had with Cantina, this subgraph plays an important rule for proxy discoverability.

PRBProxy has been designed as an open-source public good. Given the recent drama about whether the BUSL license constitutes open-source or non-open-source, it might well be worth it to draw a line in the sand between Sablier V2 code and PRBProxy code. Furthermore, it might play to Sablier's advantage as a business to not take any responsibility regarding proxies, given how difficult they are to get right (computational universality à la execute begets errors).

Side note: I should also consider turning the PRBProxy repo into a monorepo 🤔

razgraf commented 1 year ago

I agree. Best to move this into its own space.

If you can provide me with a PRB hosted repository, I can begin the transition. The question of timing appears: do it now or after the audit is finished and a new deployment is available. Advantage of the latter would be ensuring the subgraph functionality matches that future polished version of the proxy.

PaulRBerg commented 1 year ago

Great. Thanks for offering to help now, but there's no need to rush this. I would rather have us address all audit report findings first because many things will change in the proxy API.

I will mark this issue as "Backlog."

razgraf commented 1 year ago

Update: still needs testing (the registry is fresh), but I've just updated the PRBProxy subgraph to follow v4.0.0-beta.6 in When you're ready, we can move it into its separate area and remove it from the Sablier repository.

PaulRBerg commented 1 year ago

Moving PRBProxy to a monorepo structure is a WIP, and to be frank, I will likely not have the time to do it this week.

We will do it, eventually, but I don't know when. Ahmed is helping me with it:

razgraf commented 7 months ago

After #17 the PRB Proxy subgraph will no longer be a part of active development branches in this repository. I've created the snapshot-v20 branch as a clone of the current version of this repository. If need be, that's where you'll be able to find the proxy subgraph in order to move it into its own repository.

PaulRBerg commented 7 months ago

snapshot-v20 branch as a clone ..

We don't need branches like that. That's the git history is for.

A tag would be better

razgraf commented 7 months ago

I'll remove it then. This is a commit that's safe to say still includes the proxy subgraph. Not sure how tags work (I see they're used for releases, but since we're not doing one, it's unclear) but we can do that too.

PaulRBerg commented 7 months ago

Not sure how tags work

A branch is an active development trunk.

A tag is just a named reference to a commit. It's not used just for releases

We won't do any more development on the proxy subgraph, but we want to be able to quickly refer to it (should the need arise). Ergo we use a tag

$ git tag snapshot-v2-0 COMMIT_HASH