sabof / project-explorer

A project explorer sidebar
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Missing helm dependency #14

Closed biffen closed 10 years ago

biffen commented 10 years ago

The project-explorer package doesn't list helm in REQUIREMENTS, and without helm installed

(require 'project-explorer)

will cause an error. Installing helm manually removes that error.

sabof commented 10 years ago

Is it still true for the latest version? I thought I fixed this.

biffen commented 10 years ago

It is for the version I have, which is fairly recent:

project-explorer is an installed package.

     Status: Installed in [...]
    Version: 20140104.1619
   Requires: cl-lib-0.3, es-lib-0.3
    Summary: A project explorer sidebar

No helm in Requires:. :frowning:

sabof commented 10 years ago

Fixed. Helm is not supposed to be dependency.

biffen commented 10 years ago

Oh, OK, I guess I had gotten things the wrong way around.

However, without helm installed I get this with (require 'project-explorer) in my .emacs:

Symbol's value as variable is void: helm-source-locate

Running (require 'project-explorer) from eval-expression gives this backtrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable helm-source-locate)
  byte-code("\301\302\303\304!AB\305BBB\207" [helm-source-locate (name . "Project explorer") (candidates . pe/helm-candidates) action helm-get-actions-from-type ((no-delay-on-input))] 5)
  (defvar pe/helm-source (byte-code "\301\302\303\304!AB\305BBB\207" [helm-source-locate (name . "Project explorer") (candidates . pe/helm-candidates) action helm-get-actions-from-type ((no-delay-on-input))] 5))
  eval((require (quote project-explorer)) nil)
  eval-expression((require (quote project-explorer)) nil)
  call-interactively(eval-expression record nil)
  command-execute(eval-expression record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "eval-expression")
  call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)

So the helm dependency isn't entirely soft.

sabof commented 10 years ago

Melpa probably didn't update it's version yet. Try pasting this file into an empty buffer, and doing M-x eval-buffer

sabof commented 10 years ago

IOW the error you've shown me is what I fixed.

biffen commented 10 years ago

And indeed that works, thanks! :smile: