sabof / project-explorer

A project explorer sidebar
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multiple projects? #15

Closed leafweyo closed 10 years ago

leafweyo commented 10 years ago

Right now, only one project can be opened. How about open multple projects simultaneously,like in ecipse,intellij,vs,sublime... This would be really convenient when you have to browse the code of many different project.

sabof commented 10 years ago

What do you mean? If you open two files from different projects in different frames, and then do M-x project-explorer-open on each of them, you will have 2 different project explorer windows.

leafweyo commented 10 years ago

I mean open different projects in the same exploer.project explorer of most ides is like this. px-javadnd It will be really efficient when you have to work with many different projects. Or am i missing the point? why have the limit one project per exploerer?

sabof commented 10 years ago

Yes, this has some advantages. Can't the same effect be achieved by creating a folder with symlinks to the actual directories, and adding something like this to your .emacs?

(eval-after-load 'project-explorer
  '(setq pe/project-root-function
    (lambda () "/folder/with/symlinks/to/my/projects/")))
leafweyo commented 10 years ago

This workaround seems brilliant, I'll try that later. Thank you ! :)

sabof commented 10 years ago

I'm unlikely to add any better support, so I'm closing the issue.