sabof / project-explorer

A project explorer sidebar
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Feature request: "Peep"/preview support #20

Open eethann opened 10 years ago

eethann commented 10 years ago

Cross-posted to the peep-dired issue queue, would be great to Project Explorer to support some sort of "peeping"/previewing, similar to Sublime Text 2's, where highlighting a file in the explorer opens it in a buffer adjacent to the file tree, but it is automatically closed when the user highlights another file in the tree (unless editing has been done or the file has been explicitly visited). This is great for reviewing code, etc.

What is the best route to implement this? Peep-dired integration with project-explorer? Or something native to project-explorer?

mijoharas commented 9 years ago

I would find this feature very helpful. Came to this page by trying to find some functionality like this in emacs.