sabof / project-explorer

A project explorer sidebar
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feature request: lazy expansion #4

Closed bling closed 10 years ago

bling commented 10 years ago

thanks for the project. unfortunately, right now this is unusable for me because i'm working on a node project which stores a lot of files under node_modules. when i open project-explorer it appears to be scanning the entire directory recursively.

it'd be nice if directories are read only when it is expanded. thanks.

sabof commented 10 years ago

This however would make isearch and occur rather useless. Still I'm not excluding the possibility that I might add this in the future. For the time being, you could add the following to your .emacs, so node_modules isn't scanned.

(setq pe/omit-regex "^\\.\\|^#\\|~$\\|^src-js$\\|^node_modules$" )
sabof commented 10 years ago

I'll mark it as "wontfix", since a lot of functionality depends on the full tree being available.