Closed phil-davis closed 7 months ago
Note php-cs-fixer now complains about 'binary_operator_spaces' being set to an empty array. It wants the default setting to be explicitly mentioned.
$ composer cs-fixer > php-cs-fixer fix PHP CS Fixer 3.54.0 15 Keys Accelerate by Fabien Potencier, Dariusz Ruminski and contributors. PHP runtime: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.20 Loaded config default from "/home/phil/git/sabre-io/Baikal/.php-cs-fixer.dist.php". Using cache file ".php-cs-fixer.cache". 0/117 [░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░] 0% In FixerFactory.php line 164: [binary_operator_spaces] Configuration must be an array and may not be empty. fix [--path-mode PATH-MODE] [--allow-risky ALLOW-RISKY] [--config CONFIG] [--dry-run] [--rules RULES] [--using-cache USING-CACHE] [--cache-file CACHE-FILE] [--diff] [--format FORMAT] [--stop-on-violation] [--show-progress SHOW-PROGRESS] [--] [<path>...] Script php-cs-fixer fix handling the cs-fixer event returned with error code 32
So I have chosen 'at_least_single_space' - that allows existing to pass cs-fixer.
The various settings options are mentioned here:
See dependabot PR #1262
Note php-cs-fixer now complains about 'binary_operator_spaces' being set to an empty array. It wants the default setting to be explicitly mentioned.
So I have chosen 'at_least_single_space' - that allows existing to pass cs-fixer.
The various settings options are mentioned here: