sabrinathai / ExperienceSampler

An open-source smartphone app designed for experience sampling developed using Cordova
MIT License
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Multiple Questionnaires #39

Open jernelltce opened 5 years ago

jernelltce commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

I am just wondering if it is possible to include multiple questionnaires whilst coding the app. If possible, how do you go on about it? Thanks!

page-gould commented 5 years ago

Oh yes!

If you mean multiple questionnaires within the same survey, then it's as easy as just including one question for every item of every scale!

If you mean that you want participants to be presented with a different questionnaire every time they get notified, then (a) you would still include one question for every item of every scale, but (b) you would randomly choose the relevant block of questions within the sampleParticipant() function.