sabyasachibiswal / angular5-social-login

Social authentication module for Angular 5. Includes Facebook and Google login with AOT compatibility.
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How to extend this to use other social site authentication ? #3

Open amanbluetie opened 6 years ago

amanbluetie commented 6 years ago

How can we extend this to use other social site authentication like LinkdIn

Snehitha09 commented 6 years ago

Could you please add in the complete code, the ones including the signin component, the app module etc.

headwinds commented 6 years ago

@sabyasachibiswal would you be open to a pull request if I added a provider for Twitter? I'll follow your pattern and develop a TwitterLoginProvider.

The Facebook and Google logins are awesome but I want to build something to allow users to tweet more easily

sreepati commented 6 years ago

@amanbluetie I've the version with LinkdIn. It is already there in this but is slightly buried. you can write again or view mine which is a fork of this one. @headwinds Twitter addition will be good.