sabyasachibiswal / angular5-social-login

Social authentication module for Angular 5. Includes Facebook and Google login with AOT compatibility.
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popup_closed_by_user #4

Open vov4ik08 opened 6 years ago

vov4ik08 commented 6 years ago

Hello. I try to use google auth with your library. After config by your readme and click to login button by google i can seed google window with my account. After select account in console display error 'popup_closed_by_user' Please help me

akshayseth commented 6 years ago

Same here.I am getting this error only in the case of google.Please help.

marcoantoni0 commented 6 years ago

Same here.

"angular5-social-login": "1.0.9"

manumohant commented 6 years ago

same here......

Shakell commented 6 years ago

same here......

maxtsaryk commented 6 years ago

the same

manishbt commented 6 years ago

Same issue

piyush-ampersand commented 6 years ago

Same here , has someone found a solution for this ??

manishbt commented 6 years ago

yes, i have working solution for this issue, wait i will share the link which is working perfectly.

use this module in your application, it works perfectly

nkonsta commented 6 years ago

I was able to solve this problem by explicitly define where this plugin should be allowed to work in google console developer. Under credentials find the OAuth 2.0 client IDs section and add the address from which you will access the plugin. And for those having an error of undefined object when calling the signin method of this plugin in chrome and firefox, I was able to solve this as well by changing into under node_modules/angular5-social-login/providers/angular5-social-login.umd.js

orfeapapa commented 3 years ago

We see these error in chrome ecognito.