sachac / .emacs.d

Emacs configuration
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add readme, point to #7

Closed TomRoche closed 8 years ago

TomRoche commented 8 years ago

I'm looking to adopt a new Emacs configuration (for complicated reasons that I'm still writing out) and yours is one I'm considering. Basically I'm looking at various public .emacs.d to see how they're assembled, what functionality they bring in "for free" (to adopters), how active they are, etc. I kinda like yours, but was getting frustrated browsing because

  1. It's one seriously big <bleep/>ing init script! "Monolithic" like Stone-<bleep>ing-henge !-)
  2. It has no table of contents, making it very hard to browse for functionality, etc.
  3. I thought, "NP, Sacha.html will surely have a TOC." And it does, as I notice in line#=239 ... but only because GitHub insists on showing HTML! (but with syntax highlighting! that sure makes it more readable :-)

Eventually I noticed I was in branch=gh-pages, dopeslapped myself, and found my way to . But perhaps you could make a for your project, and add text pointing to that page? That should prevent slow folks like me from wasting time, and even slower folks (or at least, folks with less GH experience) from just giving up.

sachac commented 8 years ago

Added! I had a link to the HTML version in the preface (with a friendly URL and everything! , which is also , but a README makes it more obvious. And yeah, I should point out that the published version has a TOC and other nice things...

sachac commented 8 years ago

Mmm, I should probably add an index.html for good measure, too. =)