sachac / subed

subed is a subtitle editor for Emacs
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How to read a property from mpv #58

Open notevenaperson opened 2 years ago

notevenaperson commented 2 years ago

Mpv's JSON IPC documentation describes getting replies, such as with the command get_property. Browsing in subed's code for examples, I was surprised subed doesn't rely on reading properties to work, rather its reply handling seems to be built around events (subed-mpv--client-filter and subed-mpv--client-handle-*). In summary I couldn't find examples of getting a property from mpv, so I'm asking here how to do that.

An extension I'm making to the subed package needs to read a few properties from mpv. subed-mpv--client-send can send commands to the JSON IPC, but I just can't figure out how to send a command and see the reply, or e.g. put in a variable.

To give some more background, this is a function in what I'm working on. For now, the function get_property is a placeholder.

```elisp (defun subed-mpv--extract-current () "This function returns the full text of an embedded subtitle track currently selected in mpv. I made this because embedded subs are very common, and I don't want to extract them manually just to be able to see the file in Emacs." (let ((trackno (get_property "current-tracks/sub/ff-index")) (subformat (get_property "current-tracks/sub/codec")) (container-path (get_property "path"))) (shell-command-to-string (concat "ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel error -i " container-path " -c:s copy -map :" trackno " -f " subformat " pipe:")))) ```
rndusr commented 2 years ago

[Don't believe anything I say. It's been a long time since I worked on subed or wrote any Elisp.]

I don't think you can do that easily. subed communicates asynchronously with mpv, meaning it sends off a command and immediately continues whatever it was doing, and a callback function is called when the return value arrived.

You would have to come up with a callback system and call subed-mpv--get-property (new function you have to write) with the property name and a callback. The callback would be registered in a global variable, and subed-mpv--client-handle-event would call it when it gets the property value.

Another way would be to write subed-mpv--client-send-synchronously, which would send the command, wait for the return value and return it. Maybe Elisp has something like process-send-string that blocks until the response arrives. Otherwise, you would have to tell subed-mpv--client-handle-event that you are waiting for something and to notify you when it's there.

Have fun! :)

sachac commented 2 years ago

Do you want to take advantage of the subed-mpv-video-file variable for getting the path, at least? Maybe you can query it outside the mpv process and just ask the user which subtitle to use. I haven't figured out a good pattern for the other things you want to do yet, sorry.

sachac commented 2 years ago

mpv.el (which subed doesn't use) has a mpv-run-command that blocks while waiting for a response. I wonder if we can use something like that...

rndusr commented 2 years ago

Nice find! That seems to do exactly what is needed. Looks like cl-block is what we should use.