sachac / subed

subed is a subtitle editor for Emacs
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How to use IINA with subed? #60

Closed suliveevil closed 1 year ago

suliveevil commented 1 year ago

IINA is based on mpv, build for macOS, and it claims

All mpv options are supported here, except those starting with "--no-".
Example: --mpv-volume=20 --mpv-resume-playback=no`
iina --help    
Usage: iina-cli [arguments] [files] [-- mpv_option [...]]

        All mpv options are supported here, except those starting with "--no-".
        Example: --mpv-volume=20 --mpv-resume-playback=no
--separate-windows | -w:
        Open all files in separate windows.
--stdin, --no-stdin:
        You may also pipe to stdin directly. Sometimes iina-cli can detect whether
        stdin has file, but sometimes not. Therefore it's recommended to always
        supply --stdin when piping to iina, and --no-stdin when you are not intend
        to use stdin.
        Normally iina-cli launches IINA and quits immediately. Supply this option
        if you would like to keep it running until the main application exits.
        Enter Picture-in-Picture after opening the media.
--help | -h:
        Print this message.

mpv Option:
Raw mpv options without --mpv- prefix. All mpv options are supported here.
Example: --volume=20 --no-resume-playback
suliveevil commented 1 year ago

mpv is great, I jsut installed.

sachac commented 1 year ago

If iina-cli is a drop-in replacement, you might be able to customize subed-mpv-executable and set it to iina-cli. Hope that helps! (edit: might also need to set subed-mpv-arguments)

suliveevil commented 1 year ago

I'm Emacs newbie, it's ok to use mpv instead of other app 🥰 Follow the giant's step 🥳