sachatrauwaen / OpenContent

Structured Content editing for DNN (Dotnetnuke)
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Get datetimepicker working correctly #225

Open b-creative opened 7 months ago

b-creative commented 7 months ago

In order to fully use the datatimepicker (that comes with the field 'date') and want to be able to choose also the time, you need to correct something in the file /DesktopModules/OpenContent/lama/dist/js/chunk-vendors.js

You need to replace format:"YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00" with format:"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm"

You need to delete "only-date":!0,

If you want to also see the chosen time as a field value, you need to replace something extra just underneath that list of attributes. You need to replace formatted: "ll", with formatted: "llll",

My list of attributes looks like this: attrs: { "no-header": !0, "no-button-now": !0, format: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm", locale: e.locale, formatted: "llll", label: e.options.placeholder },

Ideal would be that one can pass some date/time variables in the field settings...