sachin-handiekar / jInstagram

A Java library for the Instagram API.
MIT License
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does not return more than the media #215

Open cassiohoffmann opened 6 years ago

cassiohoffmann commented 6 years ago

Hello friends, I have been using API for a long time and I found that now it is no longer returning data from recent customer media, no photo or information. Is this a bug? How do I get back to work? I'm using a simple example to test:

Instagram instagram = new Instagram(token); try { Instagram ig = new Instagram(token); MediaFeed mediaFeed = ig.getRecentMediaFeedTags("london"); List mediaFeeds = mediaFeed.getData();

                    for (MediaFeedData media : mediaFeeds) {
                        System.out.println("Media: " + media.getId());
                        LikesFeed likes = ig.getUserLikes(media.getId());
                        for (User user : likes.getUserList()) {
                } catch(Exception e) {
fistv commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem.