sachinchoolur / lightGallery

A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin.
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React LightGallery component always create a new `LightGallery` instance on re-render #1416

Open darkyzhou opened 2 years ago

darkyzhou commented 2 years ago


My LightGallery component always create a new LightGallery instance on each render.

截屏2022-10-18 21 00 53

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use Vite React template.
  2. Install the library.
  3. My codes are as below. When setList() is called, LightGallery always create a new LightGallery instance.
    const LIGHT_GALLERY_PLUGINS = [lgZoom, lgRotate]
    download: true,
    controls: false,
    flipHorizontal: false,
    flipVertical: false,
    rotateRight: false,

function MyComponent() { const [list, setList] = useState([]) return <LightGallery selector="[data-my-image]" easing="ease-in-out" speed={300} startAnimationDuration={100} plugins={LIGHT_GALLERY_PLUGINS} download={true} mobileSettings={LIGHT_GALLERY_MOBILE_SETTINGS} enableSwipe={true} enableDrag={true}

{ => )} }


Additional context

I think the bug is related to the usage of restProps:

// Lightgallery.tsx

// ...

const LG: React.FC<LightGalleryProps> = ({
    // ...
}: LightGalleryProps) => {
    const $lg = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

    const registerEvents = // ...

    React.useEffect(() => {
        const lightGallery = LightGallery(
            ($lg.current as unknown) as HTMLElement,
        return function cleanup() {
    // ⚠️⚠️⚠️
    // Here the reference `resetProps` ALWAYS differ on each render.
    // By temporarily removing it, the bug disappears. So a possible solution
    // might be manually do a deep check on the properties of `restProps`
    // ⚠️⚠️⚠️
    }, [registerEvents, restProps]);

    return // ...
export default LG;
Poky85 commented 1 year ago

Probably we could use something like react-fast-compare?

Poky85 commented 1 year ago

Change in effect dependencies has been introduced in 2.6.0, so temporary fix is downgrade to 2.5.0

gamestap99 commented 1 year ago

same the issue. I using inline and it re-render when i update state