I learned how to code in Python, JavaScript, and HTML
I learned about many topics related to computer science like networks, fault tolerance, the internet, binary, parallel computing, sorting algorithms, time and space complexity, decidable and undecidable problems, etc.
I learned how to use GitHub and VSCode to create projects and add to them
Group Work Skills
I learned how to work together with other group members to create a large project with many functionalities
I learned how to communicate without group members through Slack and Discord to solve problems and help my group members
Highs and Lows From the Year
I did well on most of my assignments after putting in the work to do them well
I was able to understand all the concepts I learned about
At first, I struggled with figuring out how to code things for the group full stack projects
Future Plans with CompSci
I am not going to take CSA
At this time, I'm not sure if I'm going to take any other computer science classes later on
Future Plans in Education/Career
I'm not sure what specifically I'm going to focus on in the future, but it will be something STEM related
How I Felt About the Class
I enjoyed taking this class as I learned a lot about computer science. I also had a fun time solving problems I was having and figuring out how to code things that I wanted to implement into my projects. The class also wasn't extremely difficult and wasn't too time consuming.
Skills I have obtained
Individual Work Skills
Group Work Skills
Highs and Lows From the Year
Future Plans with CompSci
Future Plans in Education/Career
How I Felt About the Class
I enjoyed taking this class as I learned a lot about computer science. I also had a fun time solving problems I was having and figuring out how to code things that I wanted to implement into my projects. The class also wasn't extremely difficult and wasn't too time consuming.