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Lightning talk proposal: How to market your project, by Rich Beckermeyer #78

Closed a-axton closed 7 years ago

a-axton commented 8 years ago

Name: Rich Beckermeyer Twitter Handle: leland_beck Github Username: N/A Employer: RB Visuals Talk Length: 5 min Title: How to Market your project

Brief Description: So, you’ve developed your project. Now what? You mom and your pet can’t be your only users. You’ve defined who your target user is. Right?

It can’t be everyone, everywhere.

Will your product look the same for a Kenyan national who is training for the Olympics this summer? Will your project better suit the needs of an accountant who works remotely with small businesses who have less than 10 employees? Or will your project most benefit urban farmers in LA or Detroit?

Marketing is based on stories and emotions. Connecting your potential customer to why they need your product over a competitor’s. What is the problem your project solving?