Closed ryoryotaro closed 5 years ago
Hi @ryoryotaro, Thank you for your detailed reporting!
I have tried to reproduce this issue but I can't.
According to your reported error message, it seems to be occurring nil pointer exception. However, my load-balancer I have created for reproducing wasn't cause nil pointer exception. So we need more information for deep investigating.
Could you describe information of your load-balancer? If it is possible, please get load-balancer information by following command.
$ export TOKEN=your-api-token
$ export SECRET=your-api-secret
$ export ZONE=zone-name(is1a/is1b/tk1a/tk1v)
$ export LB_ID=your-load-balancer-ID
$ curl --user "$TOKEN":"$SECRET" \$ZONE/api/cloud/1.1/appliance/$LB_ID
This command returns JSON. This JSON maybe includes your sensitive information, so please mask sensitive information before post it.
Thank you for your replay. I got a load-balancer information. By using command that you teached me.
curl --user "$TOKEN":"$SECRET" \
Thank you for your cooperation:+1: and sorry for my delayed response:pray:.
Hmm...:thinking: Your posted JSON seems no-problem.
Can you reproduce this problem even now?
I tried with using same as your load-balancer settings, but I can't reproduce...
Thank you for your replay.
I tried to new API key ,but it’s still going on now.
But API key of another account worked well.
The acount who's API works bad has a few LB and one of them do not use.
Is it the cause of this? That LB is now stopped.
I tried curl command you taught me by using LB_ID that do not use.
$ curl --user "$TOKEN":"$SECRET" https://secure.saku$ZONE/api/cloud/1.1/appliance/$LB_ID
{"is_fatal":true,"serial":"6f40a213f1a956c696332e6d5d6cb4ea","status":"404 Not Found","error_code":"not_found","error_msg":"\u5bfe\u8c61\u304c\u898b\u3064\u304b\u308a\u307e\u305b\u3093\u3002\u5bfe\u8c61\u306f\u5229\u7528\u3067\u304d\u306a\u3044\u72b6\u614b\u304b\u3001ID\u307e\u305f\u306f\u30d1\u30b9\u306b\u8aa4\u308a\u304c\u3042\u308a\u307e\u3059\u3002"}
Sorry for the late replay again.
I have reproduced this. It is caused by following code.
It is expecting to return serverStatus
from SakuraCloud API.
However, if real-server is set Enable=False
, it will be returned nil and it isn't checked by this exporter.
So this problem is coming.
I'm going to fix this.
We just have released v0.2.2
Please try it:+1:
Thank you for your response. v0.2.2 worked well !
I installed Binaries of sakuracloud_exporter v0.2.1, on my prometheus server. I ran it but cannnot get metrics.
When I tried to get metrics , following logs ware displayed.
What I should do to solve this problem ?