sacmehta / ESPNet

ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation
MIT License
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different in train and test #17

Closed heumchri closed 6 years ago

heumchri commented 6 years ago


after training a model on my own, I noticed that I could not perform inference with the scripts provided. This is the case because the in the test and train folder are different. train: line 339: self.conv = CBR(19 + classes, classes, 3, 1) line 382: concat_features = self.conv([comb_l2_l3, output0_cat], 1)) test: line 339: self.conv = CBR(16 + classes, classes, 3, 1) line 382: concat_features = self.conv([comb_l2_l3, output0], 1))

Since the version in the test folder works with the provided pretrained models, I assume that this is the correct version?

sacmehta commented 6 years ago
