sacmehta / ESPNet

ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation
MIT License
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missing activation, maybe? possibly not, but just checking #4

Closed karpathy closed 6 years ago

karpathy commented 6 years ago

Enjoyed reading the paper!

I had a question about a possible paper - code discrepancy. In DilatedParllelResidualBlockB, the activation seems to be missing, although the paper claims that "All layers (convolution and ESP modules) are followed by a batch normalization [49] and a PReLU [50] non-linearity except for the last point-wise convolution". Is the code correct in stacking conv blocks with only batch norms in between?

random note: netParams

instead of

def netParams(model):
    helper function to see total network parameters
    :param model: model
    :return: total network parameters
    total_paramters = 0
    for parameter in model.parameters():
        i = len(parameter.size())
        p = 1
        for j in range(i):
            p *= parameter.size(j)
        total_paramters += p

    return total_paramters

I like to use the following, which you may also prefer to save LOC :)

n_params = sum([ for p in model.parameters()])
sacmehta commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your code snippet. I will update my code with this tiny snippet.

If you look at th BR class, it has both batch normalization and activation. The variable name ( is confusing, but I will add a comment next to it so that it is clear. Thanks for pointing it out. = BR(nOut)