sacmehta / ESPNet

ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation
MIT License
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We used the same code and procedure for the Camvid dataset. Please change the file for CamVid dataset and you should be good to go #66

Closed pkuqgg closed 4 years ago

pkuqgg commented 5 years ago

We used the same code and procedure for the Camvid dataset. Please change the file for CamVid dataset and you should be good to go

Originally posted by @sacmehta in

pkuqgg commented 5 years ago


Thank you for reply!I know the way to train CamVid dataset. There is another important problem: from SegNet-Tutorial we can know CamVid dataset has 11 classes, but "pallete" show 12 classes. I try to change pallete in VisualizeResults, but the test result is bad.The last problem is how to test segmentation accuracy, I want to achieve this by fixing cityscapesscripts testing code, but still in working hardly.

I am really grateful for your reply, because my undergraduate degree major is statistics, my computer skills are relatively poor, and my classmates do not have the same research direction as me. I feel that I am in a big dilemma, thank you very much!I would be very grateful if you can provide the code for the test, so that I can learn from it.
