sacmehta / ESPNet

ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation
MIT License
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Change ''args.resumeLoc'' to ''args.savedir + 'checkpoint.pth.tar''' in #7

Closed CSUMIT closed 6 years ago

CSUMIT commented 6 years ago

When use --resume there will be something wrong if not change args.resumeLoc to args.savedir + 'checkpoint.pth.tar'. The error is: AttributeError: 'Namespaces' object has no attribute 'resumeLoc'

sacmehta commented 6 years ago

I think it is not a good idea to replace the args.resumeLoc location with args.saveDir location.

Let's assume the following case: I have trained the ESPNet-C model with three different settings. The checkpoints are saved in different locations. Now, if I want to use a checkpoint from a setting other than the current one, then args.saveDir would not allow me to use that. Having a simple flag like args.resumeLoc makes it easier to handle such cases (though rare).

CSUMIT commented 6 years ago

hi, thanks for your explain. I just train in one case, so i think i should consider more situations.