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Implement Clear Application Data Feature in Settings Screen #46

Open AAKrasnova opened 11 months ago

AAKrasnova commented 11 months ago


Develop a feature within the Settings screen under the Profile & Account section that allows users to clear local app data. This feature should include a confirmation prompt to prevent accidental data loss.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Accessing the Feature:

    • Users should be able to navigate to the Clear Application Data feature easily from the Profile & Account section of the Settings screen.
  2. Confirmation Prompt:

    • When the user selects to clear app data, display a confirmation prompt detailing the action's consequences and requiring user confirmation before proceeding.
    • Button to confirm action should become available in 5 seconds with ongoing timer in its text
    • The prompt should clearly warn users that the action will permanently delete local app data and cannot be undone.
    • Prompt should depend on the chosen girl:
      • Luna's quotes:

"Are you sure you want to erase our shared adventures? Let's think it through." "Clearing all data is like starting a new chapter. Are you ready for that?" "Remember, this action can't be undone. Take a moment to decide." "It's okay to start fresh, but let's be certain this is what you want." "If you need a clean slate, I understand. Just double-checking if you're sure."

  1. Clearing Data:

    • Upon user confirmation, clear all local app data including cached files, saved preferences, and any locally stored user data.
  2. Success Feedback:

    • Display a success message or visual confirmation when the local app data has been cleared successfully.
  3. Error Handling:

    • In case of an error during the data-clearing process, display a clear error message and log the error for further investigation.
  4. Performance:

    • Ensure that the data-clearing process is performant and does not cause the app to become unresponsive.

Test Scenarios: