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Implement Special Day Start Feature in Settings Screen #48

Open AAKrasnova opened 8 months ago

AAKrasnova commented 8 months ago


Develop a feature within the Settings screen that allows users to set a custom start time for their day, which will be reflected in quest lists. This feature should be user-friendly and coherent with the app's existing design and functionality.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Accessing the Feature:

    • Users should be able to easily navigate to the Special Day Start feature from the Settings screen.
  2. Setting Special Day Start Time:

    • Provide an interface for users to select and set a custom time for the start of their day.
    • The selected time should be saved and used as the start time of the day in quest lists.
    • Time should work in the user's timezone (as all times in the application)
  3. Displaying Current Special Day Start Time:

    • Display the current set time prominently within the Special Day Start feature section.
    • Provide an option to view how the custom day start time affects the quest lists:
      • Add hint for Today "till X of tomorrow | Y of today"
      • Add hint for This week "till X of Monday| Y of Sunday"
  4. Error Handling:

    • Display clear error messages for any issues that arise while setting the special day start time.
  5. Success Feedback:

    • Display a success message or visual confirmation when the special day start time is set successfully.
  6. Performance:

    • Ensure that setting and saving the special day start time is performant and does not cause lag or other performance issues.

Test Scenarios:

Technical Notes: