sadovojav / yii2-image-thumbnail

Create image thumbnail Yii2 component
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 12 forks source link

Problem in install #1

Closed sunftec closed 8 years ago

sunftec commented 9 years ago

hi. thank you for this.i am a first watcher ! but i cant install with composer! how to install manually?

sadovojav commented 9 years ago

Hi. What trouble do you have? I checked. The composer set correctly. If you can, post your screen

Try to install manualy: 1 Download latest version - 2 Unzip and upload it vendor/sadovojav/yii2-image-thumbnail 3 Add to vendor\yiisoft\extensions.php:

  'sadovojav/yii2-image-thumbnail' => 
  array (
    'name' => 'sadovojav/yii2-image-thumbnail',
    'version' => '9999999-dev',
    'alias' => 
    array (
      '@sadovojav/image' => $vendorDir . '/sadovojav/yii2-image-thumbnail',

4 Add to vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php:

'sadovojav\\image\\' => array($vendorDir . '/sadovojav/yii2-image-thumbnail'),

5 Add to config this component

sunftec commented 9 years ago

thank you untitled

sadovojav commented 9 years ago

Watch your composer.json and add this two rows:

"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true,

I think, you have a problem with pendalf89/yii2-filemanager. Those two lines have to solve the problem