The FACE 3.1 metamodel does not prevent users from creating multiple IntegrationModels, and within one or more of those models, creating TSNodeConnections that associate UoPInstances from multiple integration models.
The current FACE to AADL translator generates a single AADL System per integration model. AADL scoping rules require AADL Connections to be between elements that are subcomponents of the same parent system, which means AADL generated from such FACE models is invalid.
In general, the AADL generated from a valid .face file should also be valid.
The FACE 3.1 metamodel does not prevent users from creating multiple IntegrationModels, and within one or more of those models, creating TSNodeConnections that associate UoPInstances from multiple integration models.
The current FACE to AADL translator generates a single AADL System per integration model. AADL scoping rules require AADL Connections to be between elements that are subcomponents of the same parent system, which means AADL generated from such FACE models is invalid.
In general, the AADL generated from a valid .face file should also be valid.