saefullohmaslul / kuki

Kuki: Golang Playground with gRPC and Echo
MIT License
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[improvement] Separate handler #23

Open akimabs opened 9 months ago

akimabs commented 9 months ago

I really like this project, such as the hexagonal architecture on Netflix where there are many handlers for each platform, including REST, gRPC, etc.

However, in my case, I only need a REST handler because I haven't implemented microservices yet. Can you @saefullohmaslul @saufiroja provide a REST handler only? It seems that the REST handler here still depends on the gRPC handler.

I hope you are blessed for creating a playground like this.

saufiroja commented 9 months ago

u can take reference from here or its up to u which one u want to choose

akimabs commented 9 months ago

@saufiroja I mean, i want still go with this architecture because it utilizes the hexagonal architecture. In future projects, I'll also be running gRPC, sockets, etc., on different ports.