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Debug symbols #59

Open jmgomez opened 2 years ago

jmgomez commented 2 years ago


how one can activate the correct debug symbols?

I have used your task and launch files and also I did added the via miDebuggerPath o launch (with MIMode: lldb) but no matter what combinations I try, the symbols looks messed up.

Thanks, Juan

quantimnot commented 2 years ago

What platform are you on? I assume you're using the Microsoft debugging extension, because of the the miDebuggerPath option? Can you post your launch config?

I think setting miDebuggerPath is for the debugger path. I think MIMode is for telling the extension to launch lldb instead of gdb.

Can you run nim-gdb in a shell?

quantimnot commented 2 years ago

There is a shell script in <nimsrc>/bin called nim-gdb. It wraps the gdb on PATH with a directive to load

quantimnot commented 2 years ago

Also, only native gdb types have a pretty printer. Objects have a pretty printer, but it is commented out in You can uncomment it and then see what happens.

If you decide to try out lldb, then use the pretty printer (limited) from

jmgomez commented 2 years ago

Hey @quantimnot , didnt get the notification. Thanks for getting back to me.

It seems like the problem is with the nim-gdb.exe file that you mentioned (

quantimnot commented 2 years ago

@jmgomez Add this to your launch config (replace the PATH_TO_YOUR_NIM_SRC value according to your system):

"setupCommands": [
    "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
    "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
    "ignoreFailures": false
    "description": "Nim pretty printer",
    "text": "source PATH_TO_YOUR_NIM_SRC/tools/",
    "ignoreFailures": false

Keep in mind that the pretty printer currently only supports the default gc. It needs updated for ORC/ARC.

jmgomez commented 2 years ago

@quantimnot unfortunately it keeps the same. I can see well formatted the parameters of a procedure and also its value if they are value types. But refs and everything else is messed up. In strings for example it says:

T15_: Invalid variable Attributes

quantimnot commented 2 years ago

This may be a bug in Microsoft's cpptools extension. That is what you're using to debug with, right? I can't reproduce that message on my system (macos).

Enable logging for that launch profile with:

"logging": {
  "engineLogging": true

The logging will go to the Debug Console.

Please make a very simple program. Something like:

proc main(a: string) =
  let b = "b"
  let c = addr b
  echo a & c[] # set breakpoint here
main "a"

Please respond with your versions of vscode, cpptools extension and gdb. And also include the debug console output for debugging the simple program above.

I'm curious if you have the same error message if you try using the 'Native Debug' extension. Here is a config for it:

  "name": "Debug with Native Debug",
  "type": "gdb",
  "autorun": ["source REPLACEME/tools/"],
  "request": "launch",
  "target": "${workspaceFolder}/simple.exe",
  "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}"
jmgomez commented 2 years ago

If with cpptools you mean the "C/C++ for Visual Studio Code" extension it's 1.7.1 VSCode is on 1.61.2 GDB is 10.2

When using the NativeDebug extension it does not seem to pickup python Undefined command: "import". Try "help". is what the DebugConsole outputs. If I add python before source, it says Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.. Do I have to run a different version of GDB?

Everything else in the debug console seems to be fine:

`Running executable

Breakpoint 1, main_main_1 (a=0x7ff601de1490 <TM__V45tF8B8NBcxFcjfe7lhBw_3>) at E:/nimtests/nim-debug-example/main.nim:66
66    echo a & c[] # set breakpoint here`
quantimnot commented 2 years ago

@jmgomez Hmmm, yeah I think GDB has a configure flag during build for enabling Python support. You have to add --with-python to the ./configure step when building GDB. How did you get your GDB?

jmgomez commented 2 years ago

@quantimnot I have a few (cygwin, clion also install one..) I forced it to use the nimble one to make sure, but it does not seem to have python support neither. Should it be forced like this, right?

launch.json "gdbpath": "C:\\Users\\juama\\.nimble\\bin\\gdb",

Will try to find a binary that already has it builtin

quantimnot commented 2 years ago

@jmgomez Yeah, that is how you specify a GDB to use. The nim-gdb file in the Nim repo is only a shell script wrapper. It just calls the first GDB on PATH and then loads the file.

I was writing some updated extensions for both LLDB and GDB in python, but after now realizing that there may be many users with python-less builds, I'm experimenting with a new approach. The vscode debugger extensions work with a text interface to GDB and LLDB called MI. I started writing a wrapper of that interface that will be able to translate/filter the symbols and values. One would call the wrapper instead of GDB or LLDB. I think it will work, but I can't work on it again until Monday. I have too much schoolwork.

canelhasmateus commented 2 years ago

Indeed, i have also run into gdb issues on windows - The default implementation is indeed python-less and i had to go through some hoops to acquire one built with it.

jmgomez commented 2 years ago

@canelhasmateus where did you get it? Do you recall? @quantimnot sounds good. Im just evaluating Nim for doing a massive binding of a C++ project (UE). There is no scape from Windows

canelhasmateus commented 2 years ago

I can't recall the details, but i do remember going through mingw at some point. From re-searching the internet , i found this thread , which i believe was the guide to solve the problem, by downloading the unofficial build cited there.

lihaochen910 commented 2 years ago

I also encountered the same problem using lldb debugging. Nim: 1.6.0 VSCode: 1.62.3 cpptools: 1.7.1 llvm: lldb-1300.0.32.4 Swift version 5.5.1-dev task.json

    "label": "Build Debug use nim",
    "type": "shell",
    "windows": {
        "command": "nim c -d:debug --debugger:native -o:NimPlaygroud.exe src/main.nim"
    "osx": {
        "command": "nim",
        "args": [
    "group": {
        "kind": "build",
        "isDefault": true


    "name": "Debug with lldb",
    "type": "lldb",
    "request": "launch",
    "preLaunchTask": "Build Debug use nim",
    "preRunCommands": [
        "command script import --allow-reload ${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/"
    "program": "${workspaceFolder}/NimPlaygroud",
    "args": [],
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
quantimnot commented 2 years ago

@lihaochen910 The pretty printer is limited. Also, you are using symbols in a global space which leads to more mangling.

I am working on a general solution to pretty printing for both gdb and lldb, but I've run into a few snags. I'll maybe have something useful in a few weeks depending on other workload.