saezlab / MetaProViz

R-package to perform metabolomics pre-processing, differential metabolite analysis, metabolite clustering and custom visualisations.
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Functional analysis: MCA - add distance method #28

Open ChristinaSchmidt1 opened 1 year ago

ChristinaSchmidt1 commented 1 year ago

I will add clustering based on distance and double check the clustering we have now between the two conditions (and potentially update it for more functionality).

ChristinaSchmidt1 commented 1 year ago

Add to MCA_CoRe:

Add to MCA_2Cond:

Add MCA_Distance:


ChristinaSchmidt1 commented 1 year ago
#' MCA_Distance
#' This script allows you to perform metabolite clustering analysis and computes clusters of metabolites based on regulatory rules between two conditions.
#' @param Cond1_File DF for your data (results from e.g. DMA) containing metabolites in rows with corresponding Log2FC and stat (p-value, p.adjusted) value columns.
#' @param Cond2_File DF for your data (results from e.g. DMA) containing metabolites in rows with corresponding Log2FC and stat (p-value, p.adjusted) value columns.
#' @param MetaboliteID Column name of Column including the Metabolite identifiers. This MUST BE THE SAME in each of your Input files.
#' @param Cond1ValueCol Column name of Log2FC in Cond1File
#' @param Cond1PadjCol Column name of adjusted p-value in Cond1File. Can also be you p-value column if you want to use this instead.
#' @param Cond2ValueCol  Column name of Log2FC in Cond2File
#' @param Cond2PadjCol Column name of adjusted p-value in Cond2File. Can also be you p-value column if you want to use this instead.
#' @param Cond1_padj_cutoff  \emph{Optional: } adjusted p-value cutoff for Cond1File. \strong{Default=0.05}
#' @param Cond2_padj_cutoff \emph{Optional: } adjusted p-value cutoff for Cond2File. \strong{Default=0.05}
#' @param backgroundMethod \emph{Optional: } Background method C1|C2, C1&C2, C2, C1 or * \strong{Default="C1&C2"}
#' @param outputFileName \emph{Optional: } Output filename \strong{Default=SiRCle_RCM.csv}
#' @return MCA an instance of the MetaProViz package
#' @export

### ### ### Metabolite Clustering Analysis ### ### ###

#MCA_Distance <- function(Cond1_File, Cond2_File, MetaboliteID= "Metabolite", Cond1ValueCol="Log2FC",Cond1PadjCol="p.adj", Cond2ValueCol="Log2FC", Cond2PadjCol="p.adj",Cond1_padj_cutoff= 0.05, Cond2_padj_cutoff = 0.05, backgroundMethod="C1&C2", OutputFileName = "MCA_Distance_")