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fix: schema.prisma #18

Open cansurer-at opened 1 year ago

cansurer-at commented 1 year ago

I had a problem with prisma schema and took 2 days to solve it. Basically i was not able to login with google auth. I get below error. I fix it via below issue on github and I just want to calobrate with solution.

please do not forget to execute below code after you change your schema.prisma file

npx prisma db push

file should be like below:

// This is your Prisma schema file, // learn more about it in the docs:

// This is your Prisma schema file, // learn more about it in the docs:

generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" }

datasource db { provider = "mongodb" url = env("DATABASE_URL") }

model User { id String @id @default(uuid()) @map("_id") name String email String @unique emailVerified DateTime? @map("email_verified") image String? createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt accounts Account[] sessions Session[] Post Post[] Comment Comment[]

@@map("users") }

model Account { id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("_id") userId String @map("user_id") type String? provider String providerAccountId String @map("provider_account_id") token_type String? refresh_token String? access_token String? expires_at Int? scope String? id_token String? createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

@@unique([provider, providerAccountId]) @@map("accounts") }

model Session { id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("_id") userId String? @map("user_id") sessionToken String @unique @map("session_token") accessToken String? @map("access_token") expires DateTime user User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade) createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

@@map("sessions") }

model VerificationRequest { id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("_id") identifier String token String @unique expires DateTime createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

@@unique([identifier, token]) }

model Category { id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("_id") slug String @unique title String img String? Posts Post[] }

model Post { id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("_id") createdAt DateTime @default(now()) slug String @unique title String desc String img String? views Int @default(0) catSlug String cat Category @relation(fields: [catSlug], references: [slug]) userEmail String user User @relation(fields: [userEmail], references: [email]) comments Comment[] }

model Comment { id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("_id") createdAt DateTime @default(now()) desc String userEmail String user User @relation(fields: [userEmail], references: [email]) postSlug String post Post @relation(fields: [postSlug], references: [slug]) }


[next-auth][warn][NEXTAUTH_URL] [next-auth][error][adapter_error_getUserByAccount] Invalid prisma.account.findUnique() invocation:

{ where: { provider_providerAccountId: {

      providerAccountId: "secret",
      provider: "google"
?   id?: String,
?   providerId_providerAccountId?: AccountProviderIdProviderAccountIdCompoundUniqueInput,
?   AND?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],
?   OR?: AccountWhereInput[],
?   NOT?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],
?   userId?: StringFilter | String,
?   providerType?: StringFilter | String,
?   providerId?: StringFilter | String,
?   providerAccountId?: StringFilter | String,
?   refreshToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,
?   accessToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,
?   accessTokenExpires?: DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null,
?   createdAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,
?   updatedAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,
?   user?: UserRelationFilter | UserWhereInput
  select: {
    user: true

Unknown argument `provider_providerAccountId`. Did you mean `providerId_providerAccountId`? Available options are listed in green. {
  message: '\n' +
    'Invalid `prisma.account.findUnique()` invocation:\n' +
    '\n' +
    '{\n' +
    '  where: {\n' +
    '    provider_providerAccountId: {\n' +
    '    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' +
    '      providerAccountId: "secret",\n' +
    '      provider: "google"\n' +
    '    },\n' +
    '?   id?: String,\n' +
    '?   providerId_providerAccountId?: AccountProviderIdProviderAccountIdCompoundUniqueInput,\n' +
    '?   AND?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],\n' +
    '?   OR?: AccountWhereInput[],\n' +
    '?   NOT?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],\n' +
    '?   userId?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   providerType?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   providerId?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   providerAccountId?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   refreshToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,\n' +
    '?   accessToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,\n' +
    '?   accessTokenExpires?: DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null,\n' +
    '?   createdAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,\n' +
    '?   updatedAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,\n' +
    '?   user?: UserRelationFilter | UserWhereInput\n' +
    '  },\n' +
    '  select: {\n' +
    '    user: true\n' +
    '  }\n' +
    '}\n' +
    '\n' +
    'Unknown argument `provider_providerAccountId`. Did you mean `providerId_providerAccountId`? Available options are listed in green.',
  stack: 'PrismaClientValidationError: \n' +
    'Invalid `prisma.account.findUnique()` invocation:\n' +
    '\n' +
    '{\n' +
    '  where: {\n' +
    '    provider_providerAccountId: {\n' +
    '    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' +
    '      providerAccountId: "secret",\n' +
    '      provider: "google"\n' +
    '    },\n' +
    '?   id?: String,\n' +
    '?   providerId_providerAccountId?: AccountProviderIdProviderAccountIdCompoundUniqueInput,\n' +
    '?   AND?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],\n' +
    '?   OR?: AccountWhereInput[],\n' +
    '?   NOT?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],\n' +
    '?   userId?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   providerType?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   providerId?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   providerAccountId?: StringFilter | String,\n' +
    '?   refreshToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,\n' +
    '?   accessToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,\n' +
    '?   accessTokenExpires?: DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null,\n' +
    '?   createdAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,\n' +
    '?   updatedAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,\n' +
    '?   user?: UserRelationFilter | UserWhereInput\n' +
    '  },\n' +
    '  select: {\n' +
    '    user: true\n' +
    '  }\n' +
    '}\n' +
    '\n' +
    'Unknown argument `provider_providerAccountId`. Did you mean `providerId_providerAccountId`? Available options are listed in green.\n' +
    '    at yn (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:116:5852)\n' +
    '    at wn.handleRequestError (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:6429)\n' +
    '    at wn.handleAndLogRequestError (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:6119)\n' +
    '    at wn.request (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:5839)\n' +
    '    at async l (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:128:9763)\n' +
    '    at async getUserByAccount (webpack-internal:///(rsc)/./node_modules/@auth/prisma-adapter/index.js:220:29)',
  name: 'PrismaClientValidationError'
Invalid `prisma.account.findUnique()` invocation:

  where: {
    provider_providerAccountId: {
  providerAccountId: "101939472610204082780",
  provider: "google"

? id?: String, ? providerId_providerAccountId?: AccountProviderIdProviderAccountIdCompoundUniqueInput, ? AND?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[], ? OR?: AccountWhereInput[], ? NOT?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[], ? userId?: StringFilter | String, ? providerType?: StringFilter | String, ? providerId?: StringFilter | String, ? providerAccountId?: StringFilter | String, ? refreshToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null, ? accessToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null, ? accessTokenExpires?: DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null, ? createdAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime, ? updatedAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime, ? user?: UserRelationFilter | UserWhereInput }, select: { user: true } }

Unknown argument provider_providerAccountId. Did you mean providerId_providerAccountId? Available options are listed in green. PrismaClientValidationError: Invalid prisma.account.findUnique() invocation:

{ where: { provider_providerAccountId: {

      providerAccountId: "secret",
      provider: "google"
?   id?: String,
?   providerId_providerAccountId?: AccountProviderIdProviderAccountIdCompoundUniqueInput,
?   AND?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],
?   OR?: AccountWhereInput[],
?   NOT?: AccountWhereInput | AccountWhereInput[],
?   userId?: StringFilter | String,
?   providerType?: StringFilter | String,
?   providerId?: StringFilter | String,
?   providerAccountId?: StringFilter | String,
?   refreshToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,
?   accessToken?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,
?   accessTokenExpires?: DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null,
?   createdAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,
?   updatedAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,
?   user?: UserRelationFilter | UserWhereInput
  select: {
    user: true

Unknown argument `provider_providerAccountId`. Did you mean `providerId_providerAccountId`? Available options are listed in green.
    at yn (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:116:5852)
    at wn.handleRequestError (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:6429)
    at wn.handleAndLogRequestError (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:6119)
    at wn.request (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:5839)
    at async l (/Users/cansurer/Documents/dev-workspace/next-react-blog/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:128:9763)
    at async getUserByAccount (webpack-internal:///(rsc)/./node_modules/@auth/prisma-adapter/index.js:220:29) {
  name: 'GetUserByAccountError',
  code: undefined