safareli / free

Combination of a free applicative functor and free monad
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Add comments to foldPar #40

Open safareli opened 7 years ago

safareli commented 7 years ago
// data Par f a where
//  Pure :: {x :: a} -> Par f a
//  Lift :: {i :: f a} -> Par f a
//  Ap :: {f :: Par f (a -> b), x :: Par f a} -> Par f b
// TypeRep f = { of :: forall a. a -> f a}
// foldPar :: (Applicative g) => Par f a ~> (Ɐ x. f x -> g x, TypeRep g) -> g a
foldPar(f, T) {
  // `argsF` contains Par structures which will eventually be applied to some function
  const argsF = [this /*:: Par f a */]
  // `fns` contains Par structures which resolve to some function
  const fns = []
  // we have a loop which runs until we have something to return 
  while (true) {
    // we pop last Par object from `argsF` 
    // we have guaranty that argsF will not be empty here
    let argF = argsF.pop()
    // if the `argF` is `Ap` node
    if ( {
      // we get length of argsF {{{{{{{TK add why}}}}}}}
      const lengthInitial = argsF.length
      // until `argF` is `Ap`
      while ( {
        // so Ap node of type `Par f b` has structure like this:
        //    {f :: Par f (a -> b), x :: Par f a}
        // so here we try to go dig into `f` part to be able to obtain 
        // function `a -> b` and in this process we push the `x :: Par f a`
        // to `argsF` so if initially `` looked like :
        //    argsF = [Ap(Ap(Pure(x => y => x + y), Pure(1)), Pure(2))]
        //    fns = []
        // after this loop ends we would have
        //    argsF = [Pure(2), Pure(1)]
        //    argF = Pure(x => y => x + y)
        argF = argF.f
      // now as we went as deep as possible in `f` branch of `Ap` node `argF`
      // is either `Pure` node with function or `Lift` with some instruction
      // in both cases we now need to interpret it i.e create pure value in target
      // structure using `of(val, T)` or cal `f` with instruction which will return
      // interpret the instruction into target structure. in both cases they will 
      // eventually produce some function for which we have arguments in `argsF`
      // so `foldArg(argF, f, T)` transforms  `Free f (a -> b)` into `g (a -> b)`
      // and then we create the internal object which contains the `g (a -> b)` and
      // number of arguments it needs to take by diffing initial length of argsF 
      // (which was 0 for the example case 2 so length will be 2) with current length
      // if `f = x => new Identity(x)) and `T.of = f` then 
      // fns at this point  will be `[Identity(x => y => x + y)]`
      fns.push(Fn(foldArg(argF, f, T), argsF.length - lengthInitial))
      // at this point we have "consumed" top `Ap` node from `argsF` and we `continue`
      // if there will be `Ap` nodes in the `argsF` this part will try to simplify
      // again and again
    // at this point argT is not Ap node so it's either Pure or Lift which we can
    // interpret into g as we did in `Ap` case
    const argT = foldArg(argF, f, T)
    // if `fns` is empty this means we are done and we return argT
    if (fns.length === 0) {
      return argT
    // at this point we must have a function in fns which we pop
    let fn = fns.pop()
    // and we apply `argT :: g a` to `fn :: g (a -> b)` and we will get `g b`
    let res = ap(fn.f, argT)

    // we check how meny times we needed to apply to the `fn`
    // if it's more then 1 then the `res` contains function (curried) which 
    // wants to take more arguments which would be in the `argsF`
    if (fn.length > 1) {
      // so we need to push  the `res` to the `fns` but with smaller `length`
      // and continue everything
      fns.push(Fn(res, fn.length - 1))
    // at this point the `fn` has no more arguments so we check if there are other
    // Par objects which evaluate to some function in `fns` and if we have one
    while (fns.length > 0) {
      // we pop it from the `fns`
      fn = fns.pop()
      // and apply `res` to it
      res = ap(fn.f, res)
      // here we check if result will need more arguments
      if (fn.length > 1) {
        // in which case we push it to the `fns` with smaller `length`
        fns.push(Fn(res, fn.length - 1))
    // if we reach this position then and `fns` is empty
    if (fns.length === 0) {
      // then we are done 🎉
      return res

// Internal helper function for foldPar it folds only Pure and Lift nodes
const foldArg = (node, f, T) => {
  // check if `node` is `Pure` node and if so
  if ( {
    // take it's pure value and put it in T
    // i.e. call `pure`/`return` of the target structure
    return of(T, node.x)
  // if `node` is `Lift` node then
  } else if ( {
    // we call `f` with instruction contained in the `Lift` node
    // with interprets the instruction into target structure and we return it
    return f(node.i)

// Internal helper structure for foldPar it contains an Applicative containing
// a function and information on how many argument it needs
// type Fn g a b = { fun:: g (a -> b), length:: Number}
const Fn = (f, length) => ({ f, length })