safe-global / safe-apps-sdk

Client-side SDKs to create third-party Safe Apps
MIT License
239 stars 114 forks source link

Add FairSharing Pay app #570

Closed xiaohou77 closed 1 month ago

xiaohou77 commented 3 months ago

Project FairSharing Pay

Description Easily pay contributors by FairSharing's contribution proportion or manually (FairSharing Pay app, contributors can record their work and proof, others attest it, everyone claim the reward, allocate buget proportionally and fairly)

Please provide the project scope. This app simply call Safe SDK to create a transaction, we provide the transaction data, like pay A 10 USDT and B 20 USDT), no contract involved or exposed during the integration part.

Select a primary category of your project. DAO tooling, DAO payroll

Select secondary categories of your project. Onchain Attestation dApp

Project logo LOGO-192

Value proposition Allow user to pay compensation to contributors in community/DAO easily and fairly.

Contact Issue proposer: Mike

Project URL (FairSharing Pay app) Website:

Github / Dev Docs Frontend: Backend: Contract:


Primary integration Safe App SDK

Packages NA

Modules / Guards NA

Smart Accounts NA

Networks Optimism mainnet and sepolia (will be supporting Base/Arbitrum/Polygon soon)

Can you create a Safe via the interface? We expect our user can jump to Safe and open app inside Safe directly by

But we got the warning: The application is not in the default Safe App list

Can you import an existing Safe via the interface? No

xiaohou77 commented 1 month ago

@usame-algan @mmv08 Could you guys help review the app, since it's been more than 1 month?

kirkkonen commented 1 month ago

Just for the record, this one was reviewed and approved by the Product.

katspaugh commented 1 month ago

@xiaohou77 this is the wrong repo, please create an issue here: Thanks!

xiaohou77 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the info, I've created the issue in the new repo :) @katspaugh