safe-global / safe-core-sdk

The Safe{Core} SDK allows builders to add account abstraction functionality into their apps.
MIT License
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Incompatibility detected: The current Safe Account version (1.3.0) is not supported. EIP-4337 requires the Safe to use at least v1.4.1.' #843

Closed Malikrehman00107 closed 3 weeks ago

Malikrehman00107 commented 3 weeks ago

We are adding relay for our safe to pay the fee directly from the safe instead of owner wallet.

We are following this documentation using :

We are getting this error : Incompatibility detected: The current Safe Account version (1.3.0) is not supported. EIP-4337 requires the Safe to use at least v1.4.1.'

dasanra commented 3 weeks ago

This is expected. You are trying to use a v1.3.0 Safe and when using 4337 the Safe must be v1.4.1. Currently there is no way to migrate existing Safes to v1.4.1 + 4337 support, so a new one should be created for this case.

When finding this kind of errors, please post on Stack Exchange, as recommended by our support guidelines.

In this case it's true this information may be missing and we will add it to the docs, but still is not an issue with the SDK.