safe-global / safe-core-sdk

The Safe{Core} SDK allows builders to add account abstraction functionality into their apps.
MIT License
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fix(protocol-kit): fix execution test #858

Closed dasanra closed 2 weeks ago

dasanra commented 2 weeks ago

What it solves

The execution tests were failing randomly caused by a race condition. Also found that some tests were not being executed with Viem, and that didn't make sense any more to execute separately for web3 and ethers.

How this PR fixes it

Adds a small timeout to avoid the race condition. Remove the itif filtering by provider.

coveralls commented 2 weeks ago

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 9485432281


Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 9449259910: 0.0%
Covered Lines: 783
Relevant Lines: 933

💛 - Coveralls